The Rain Forest

 Recordings of a Journey…

Creative Connections: Earth and Sky in Ecuador


On October 6, 2011, Seven travellers flew to Ecuador for an eleven day adventure into the Rain Forests and Mountains of Ecuador.

Lead by and part of the mission and vision of AlliancExchange, a non profit organization working to promote cultural and economic sustainability in Rain Forest communities, these travellers were treated to a first-hand cultural exchange unmatched by most travel experiences.

Our great thanks to our new friends at Yachana Lodge and Travel who made our trip memorable for its wonderful venues and experience, and my humble thanks to all of those who supported me in envisioning and planning this trip, as well as our wonderful travellers who made the journey memorable and rewarding!

The Journey Begins….

Away up high

In a pink and purple sky

familiar land slips slowly by..

Lifted to watch the sea’s display

of patterned silk where dolphins play


A faint horizon’s glow

misty off in the unknown

coming days and hours,

grown within heaven’s bowers,

places to see….people to meet….

Reconnected – Relaxed – Re-sourced – Re-juvenated – Re-membered.

The Frogs

Are in convention!

A raucous evening’s collection

competing ‘gainst the backdrop symphony

of cricket’s melody!

Across the path two groups converse

considering the evening’s universe

Debating each with care

oe’r darkness hours so fair

I wonder what deep mysteries they share

that lead them to consider so…

A Star Peeks out

from over there

a twinkling accompaniment, an evensong.

Community calls, each to its own

gatherings and endings; songs and friendings

bid the day farewell.

Where North Meets South at the equator

where villages and communities welcome you

where gracious lives, live with dignity

The earth People, empowered with unity,

the harmonies of human and nature

Bring us to stop and consider

The one and the other in each


What the Heart of the world has to teach.

Thank you Mountains

Thank you Wisdom.

I began writing shortly after my January 2010 journey to Ecuador. I feel the connection I made to myself and the earth, and the spirit of the Shamans I met with there, all have a part in this awakening, this beginning, I have experienced since my return. My love of the environment and in particular the rain forest, has led me to this wonderful organization  working to enable the ancient keepers of one of the earth’s most precious natural and spiritual resources to preserve their ways and their forest for the benefit of all of us, now and for our future!

AlliancExchange – promoting cultural and economic sustainability in Rain Forest Communities