
by Deb Strafuss

I feel compelled to write about leavings…..
During this time of religious reflections, contemplations, celebrations and remembrances, it is important to note
that beginnings require endings
Abraham left his home
the Israelites left Egypt – a place of refuge that had become bondage
Jesus left the realm of spirit
then he left the realm of earth
we left home when it was our time,
our children leave home when it is theirs
Beauty Joy and Grief
are closely experienced
to run from one requires you to leave the others
To embrace the pain, sadness and fears of goodbye
leaves you open to the beauty and joy of
New Beginnings
Beauty Joy Grief
turning over a new leaf
all these new beginnings grow
all things newly done bring hope
The only caution we are given once a new path has been chosen
don’t look back
back to the place where safety becomes bondage
Beauty, Joy, Grief
Turning over a new leaf
Finding courage for the way
Living forward day by day
May we all exercise the courage to
face our griefs
choose our paths
follow our joy
and find our beauty

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1 comment

Kim Reddington April 23, 2011 - 2:24 PM

Deb, We must leave behind the old to start a new beginning. That is so true. It can sometimes be difficult to let things go to start our new beginning. Often, I see people hang on to things too long because of this fear of letting go. Your poem is a great reminder that we need to do this sometimes in order to grow as a person. As a business coach, I know it’s important to let things go occasionally in order to also grow your business. This is such a great poem and the timing of spring is perfect for seeing new beginnings.


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